Negotiations Recap 5/22: CALL TO ACTION!

May 24, 2024 | Negotiations Recap 2024, News


Several members and experts are prepared to testify Wednesday in support of our bereavement proposal, which would provide leave in the case of a pregnancy loss. Management so far has rejected our fair and compassionate proposal, but you can help put pressure on the bosses to agree to our demand. Attend from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on May 29 at the North Campus Administration Complex, 2901 Hubbard Road, to show Michigan Medicine we are a united front and how important it is that management reconsiders. You can register here. This is how you as a member can make a difference!


The UMMAP bargaining team continues to work hard to reach agreement with management on our core issues. While no tentative agreements were reached Wednesday, each side presented counter proposals on several articles:

  • Discipline (Our Counter-Proposal): Our main dispute is supervisors informing workers on their right to union representation. We feel we’re close to an agreement.  This has been the practice since ADEPT gained recognition last year. 
  • Evaluations (Management’s Counter-Proposal): Our position and management’s have gotten closer but there is still a dispute over peer evaluations.    
  • Temp Employees (Our Counter-Proposal):  Temporary employees have historically been used to fill open positions during peak times, such as vacations or holidays.  Our proposed language ensures that temps are not used to replace permanent employees.  
  • Unpaid Leaves of Absences (Our Counter-Proposal):  We’ve proposed broad unpaid leave rights, while management objects to employees working outside of Michigan Medicine while on leave.  
  • Badges (Our Counter-Proposal):  We’ve introduced language to include our credentials on our ID Badges; management is still considering our position.
  • Uniforms, Equipment, and Personal Vehicle Use (Our Counter-Proposal):  Our language will cover all UMMAP bargaining units and the different policies and procedures that are set in place.  Management disagrees and sees this being negotiated at the unit level. 
  • Remote Work (Our Counter-Proposal):  There is still work to do on this one.  We want to ensure:
    • Remote Work Agreements are honored for the length of the agreement.  
    • And if there is a change based on operational need, we secure adequate time for our remote and hybrid members to make any necessary adjustments.  
  • Recognition (Our Counter-Proposal):  This is a standard article in any union contract. It states that Michigan Medicine recognizes us as UMMAP.  We added that management can’t alter, change or eliminate our job classifications and duties without talking with us first.  
  • Release Time (Management’s Counter-Proposal):  Management did accept all of our language for release time for our stewards. 

In Solidarity,

UMMAP Executive Board

  • Penni Toney (CT Technologist) – President
  • Cheryl Bodmer (Surgical Technologist) – Vice President
  • Amanda Mazzocco (CT Technologist) – Secretary
  • Kate Robbins (Physical Therapist) – Treasurer
  • Jennifer Kempfer (CT Technologist) – ADEPT Unit Chair
  • Courtney Iwanicki (Registered Dietitian) – Behavioral Health Unit Chair
  • Kelishia Burks (Medical Assistant Intermediate) – Medical Assistant Unit Chair
  • Greg Mannarelli (Audiologist) – Rehabilitation Unit Chair
  • Rodney Barber (Histotechnologist) – Laboratory Unit Chair
  • Sarah Wilkin (Pharmacy Technician Intermediate) Non-Bargained For Employee Unit Chair

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