Wrong Kind of Dough!

Jul 4, 2024 | News

We reached a milestone in bargaining last week.  We expect our final contract to have 54 articles, based on what’s currently been proposed by both us and management.  

After reaching tentative agreements last week on Reduction in Force, Committees and Bulletin Boards, we now have reached 29 TA’s with management.  This means we are more than halfway to our first collective bargaining agreement.  

Every member of this union helped in some way to reach this point.  Our collective power has forced management to the bargaining table, and we are on our way to a just contract with fair wages. 

But negotiations have moved too slowly.  Management continues to drag their feet.   When we began negotiations in January, management proposed having our contract completed (both non-economic and economic by the end of June).  Currently, management is sitting on 16 of our non-economic counter-proposals.  One is our proposal on bereavement leave for pregnancy loss.

Our bereavement proposal drew language from the Housing Officers current contract. Management agreed to their language.  When we presented it we were told that we were not in the same classification as residents.  To read more click here:  The Right and Compassionate Thing to Do.  

It’s time for us to make a stronger show!  Our patients deserve more and better and so do we!

Upping the Ante:  The Wrong Kind of Dough! 

Our Pizza Buttons are hot off the presses and we’ve been delivering them throughout the health system all week.   

If you have your buttons, start wearing them. We want to show management, we want more than a sliver of the pizza!

If you are still waiting for your button, contact office@ummap6739.org and we’ll coordinate a delivery.  We’re also encouraging folks to use the new buttons slogan as a social media profile picture.  To download, you can download our Members’ Bargaining Tool Kit.

July 10th:  Compensation Presentation

Our Master Agreement Team is preparing a presentation on compensation for all UMMAP job titles. Our findings will be shared with management on Wednesday morning, July 10th.  If you are available, let’s pack the room with UMMAP members wearing the Pizza button.  To RSVP click here:  UMMAP Bargaining RSVP.   

Joining Forces! 

Most of Michigan Medicine is now organized and three Michigan Medicine healthcare unions are negotiating contracts.  This includes us.  Management’s modus operandi is to stall and appear to be ill-prepared.  

SEIU (Respiratory Therapists) and UPAMM (Physicians’ Assistants) are experiencing management’s stonewalling, too.

We are the front line of comprehensive patient care. This is a tactic to divide and discourage us from making positive changes for patient care.  

We’re joining forces with our union siblings across Michigan Medicine.  Each day of the week we will wear each other’s union colors to demonstrate to Michigan Medicine leadership that we are united!   

As we move through the summer months, watch for future actions and events.  

In Solidarity

UMMAP Executive Board

  • Penni Toney (CT Technologist) – President
  • Cheryl Bodmer (Surgical Technologist) – Vice President
  • Amanda Mazzocco (CT Technologist) – Secretary
  • Kate Robbins (Physical Therapist) – Treasurer
  • Jennifer Kempfer (CT Technologist) – ADEPT Unit Chair
  • Courtney Iwanicki (Registered Dietitian) – Behavioral Health Unit Chair
  • Kelishia Burks (Medical Assistant Intermediate) – Medical Assistant Unit Chair
  • Greg Mannarelli (Audiologist) – Rehabilitation Unit Chair
  • Rodney Barber (Histotechnologist) – Laboratory Unit Chair
  • Sarah Wilkin (Pharmacy Technician Intermediate) – Hospital Services Unit Chair

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