Negotiations Recap: Seeing More Progress

Aug 10, 2024 | Negotiations Recap 2024, News

Michigan Medicine management is yet to respond to the salary proposal we presented in July, but negotiations on non-economic issues progressed on Wednesday with four more tentative agreements reached.


This contract article expands the types of credentials that can be placed on an employee ID badge, and states that a badge buddy with official job titles or preferred pronouns will be provided at an employee’s request.


This agreement strengthens and in some cases increases rights for nursing parents than what the law provides. For instance, it now commits management to ensure there’s at least a temporary nursing space within a five minute walk, and it includes language that limits management’s ability to restrict break times for lactation purposes. This should largely keep managers from “clock watching” nursing parents.

Workplace Safety

Changes in this article include a joint labor-management workplace safety committee. We will be able to file for expedited arbitration for safety concerns that are not addressed by the committee. Individual bargaining units will also negotiate safety articles specific to their units.

Uniforms, Equipment, and Personal Vehicle use

We reached a verbal tentative agreement last week, as described in last week’s bargaining recap. This Wednesday we finalized that TA on paper.


Currently, negotiations are ongoing every Wednesday 9 to 5:30pm. UMMAP members are encouraged to come, observe the process and provide feedback to our Master Agreement. Follow this link: UMMAP Bargaining RSVP

UMMAP members can also observe bargaining live on Zoom. Bargaining team members post the Zoom link and give up-to-date announcements in the UMMAP internal Facebook group about when actual negotiations will occur and be streamed. Go here to apply to join the group:


  • Painting the Rock! We’re painting the Rock on Washtenaw and Hill at 7 p.m. this Sunday.  Wear your paint clothes and bring your little UMMAP Allies to decorate the Rock.  Let’s share our Pizza Slice mascot’s message: “not all dough is created equal.”
  • Worksite Leaflet action: To keep up the pressure on Michigan Medicine, we are organizing leaflet actions at a number of locations. Sign up here to help organize a leaflet action at your worksite!

In Solidarity

UMMAP Executive Board

  • Penni Toney (CT Technologist) – President
  • Cheryl Bodmer (Surgical Technologist) – Vice President
  • Amanda Mazzocco (CT Technologist) – Secretary
  • Kate Robbins (Physical Therapist) – Treasurer
  • Jennifer Kempfer (CT Technologist) – ADEPT Unit Chair
  • Courtney Iwanicki (Registered Dietitian) – Behavioral Health Unit Chair
  • Kelishia Burks (Medical Assistant Intermediate) – Medical Assistant Unit Chair
  • Greg Mannarelli (Audiologist) – Rehabilitation Unit Chair
  • Rodney Barber (Histotechnologist) – Laboratory Unit Chair
  • Sarah Wilkin (Pharmacy Technician Intermediate) Hospital Services Unit Chair

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