UMMAP 6739 Calendar

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Circle of feet with Michigan Difference, a heart and UMMAP written in chalk.

UMMAP General Membership Meetings

  • Monday, Jan. 6th, 8am & 12pm
  • Thursday, Jan. 9th, 4pm & 8pm

These meetings will provide an update on bargaining, arbitration and answer members’ questions.  To register check your email or our private Facebook group.  

UMMAP Bargaining Unit-Level Meetings

Each UMMAP Bargaining Unit is holding monthly update meetings for members.  July meetings are currently scheduled:

  • Rehab:
  • MA’s:  TBA
  • Lab:  TBA
  • Behavioral Health Organizing Committee meets every Monday at Noon.
  • Hospital Services:  Sunday, 9/29 at 1pm

For further details watch your email or contact your unit chair.

UMMAP Negotiations

Get Involved with UMMAP 6739

Become a member of UMMAP 6739 and make a difference. #UMMAPStrong